Goalie Clinic

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KB Hockey offers one on one and small group goalie training to anyone interested in learning the modern style of goaltending, at any level of play. We do recommend that potential students have proper equipment that will allow them to perform the movements and butterfly techniques that we employ.

Our Goalie Training is a comprehensive system that covers goaltendersโ€™ entire skill set. Drills target specific areas that connect with the bigger picture as overall skills increase. Basic fundamentals in footwork, lateral movements, and hand position/control are used in a progressive manner that then translates into the more advanced techniques, making for a smooth skill-building process. Controlled drills pave the way for more dynamic challenges. Everything in a goalieโ€™s game is covered, and it is those very game situations that govern what and how we instruct. All of our drills are executed at game speed and every drill is based on a real situation that will be faced in game play.

Much of our teaching is focused in direct conjunction with mental discipline, which will allow goalies to react to situations properly without getting flustered or desperate. Knowing what to do, reading a situation, and applying the corresponding action are key, and keeping those attributes strong is what our goalie program is all about.

While we take the advancement of our students very seriously, we always employ a fun atmosphere. Keeping things enjoyable allows for a more motivated experience, which then lends itself to a higher rate or progression. Overall, our goalie lessons will focus on:

- Form, Technique, and Efficiency
- Individual Attention and Individual Teachings
- Comprehensive Skill Building